August 25, 2009

It was bound to happen. . .

You all were there and know the story. My brother and SIL were having their first child. In honor of that child, I knitted an EZ Baby Surprise Jacket. I spent months knitting the BSJ. I agonized over the yarn, changing my selection twice. I had to overcome my apparent inability to count. I then found the perfect buttons to sew onto the jacket once Sarah had been born.

And if the jacket weren’t enough, I knitted a duck bib and a Spartan tribute bib for the baby to wear. I created the pattern for the duck bib, the first time I ever felt confident enough to not follow a pattern. I accidentally learned intarsia when I crafted the Spartan tribute bib (also a PeachyQueen creation).

I have been so proud of these gifts. I actually brought them to “Show and Tell” at the Atlanta Knitting Guild in June. The BSJ received compliments from both the Atlanta Knitting Guild and from the Ravelry BSJ Forum. Other people have asked me to write down the pattern for the duck bib.

With pride, I carefully wrapped each item in tissue paper, tied them with a ribbon, and sent them to Phoenix last week. (Okay, I was a little late in sending them out, but the baby isn’t two months old yet and is in no danger of outgrowing either the bibs or the BSJ anytime soon.)

So today I get the phone call. “Hi. It’s me. I’m calling because first I received this package today and I wanted to thank you. But I really wanted to know if the kids are at home because I’d like to show them Sarah on Skype.” (Skype is a free program that allows you to chat with, call or video-call other people through the Internet. It really is cool. During the last week, I’ve been able to video-call my nieces and nephew in Greece; my SIL, brother and niece in Phoenix, and my parents in Tennessee. But enough about Skype. Back to my rant.)

Okay, that wasn’t the entire phone call. It was, however, the gist of the phone call. The gift was nice, but she really wanted to talk to the kids. The hours spent agonizing over the perfect yarn and knitting the perfect baby gifts . . . I can’t even finish the sentence.

I think we all know who is getting a scratchy acrylic neon scarf this Christmas.

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